UPDATED — Jun 29, 2024 11:59 pm PST
His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acarya, International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON)

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"My long desired scheme of a Krsna Conscious daily newspaper is being implemented. Please do this work very nicely. It will be a very great step in the history of ISKCON movement."
~ Srila Prabhupada, Letter to Satsvarupa 1971

"Here in this world there are thousands of newspapers and magazines reporting the stale, repetitious happenings of this limited space. So for reporting the news of the unlimited spiritual realm, concerning the eternal, ever-fresh Supreme Personality of Godhead, we could publish a newspaper at every second, what to speak of daily."
~ Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura

"According to social conventions, it is said that one can speak the truth only when it is palatable to others. But that is not truthfulness. The truth should be spoken in such a straight and forward way, so that others will understand actually what the facts are. If a man is a thief and if people are warned that he is a thief that is truth. Although sometimes the truth is unpalatable, one should not refrain from speaking it. Truthfulness demands that the facts be presented as they are for the benefit of others. That is the definition of truth."
~ Bhagavad-Gita As It Is. Ch 10:4

"May cows stay in front of me; may cows stay behind me; may cows stay on both sides of me. May I always reside in the midst of cows."
(HBV 16.252)
In remembrance of Kurma Rupa dasa

Sri Sri Radha-Krsna
Dutch Bengal School, late 18th c.

Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat, Part 91


Jun 29, CANADA (SUN) — By Sri Vrindaban Das Thakur – Antya lila, Chapter Three, Part Nine.

The brahmana, Devananda Pandita, folded his hands and began to pray to the Lord, "O Lord, out of Your infinite compassion You have appeared in Nabadwip solely for the purpose of delivering the entire humanity. I am so sinful that at that time due to my bad karma I could not even see You, nor could I experience the divine bliss of Your association. Your nature is to shower benedictions on every living soul, hence I pray that I may develop attachment to Your lotus feet. I have one special favor to ask of You; I need Your divine guidance. I am completely without knowledge, yet I am trying to teach from a book full of knowledge. The Bhagavatam is meant to be taught only by realized souls. O Lord, please instruct me what to teach and how to explain the Bhagavat."


Sampradaya Acarya,
Part 8


Jun 29, CANADA (SUN) —

The Succession Controversy

Practical Application of Siksa

Srila Prabhupada introduced Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati's GBC administrative model into ISKCON. This organizational model not only served an obvious practical function, more importantly it acknowledged the potency of empowering siksa gurus directly representing the Sampradaya Acarya within an institutional framework. Srila Prabhupada structured his Society so that siksa gurus were afforded due reverence relative to their proven success in contributing to the missionary efforts of the bonafide Sampradaya Acarya. In an institutional scenario, Srila Prabhupada wove the successful western institutional model with the traditional Sampradaya Acarya system. In retrospect, we can see that ISKCON was a far cry from a traditional guru/disciple scenario.


Jun 29, CANADA (SUN) — The Sun's weekly cartoon series.


Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat, Part 90


Jun 27, CANADA (SUN) — By Sri Vrindaban Das Thakur – Antya lila, Chapter Three, Part Eight.

Everyone in the town of Kulia was liberated by the Lord's presence. From the most elevated soul to the most fallen soul, all received the Lord's mercy. And whosoever hears this narration will also become free from the shackles of karmic reactions. The compassionate Lord stayed outside long enough for everyone to see Him and bring up their consciousness to a state of intense joy. He then went inside accompanied by His associates and sat down feeling very much their presence.


Sampradaya Acarya,
Part 7


Jun 27, CANADA (SUN) —

The Succession Controversy

Today, all the warring camps that have spawned from the original, pre-samadhi ISKCON share a common hypothesis, which is that before departing, Srila Prabhupada ordered us/GBC to implement a specified process pertaining to future initiations in ISKCON. In my opinion, this supposition is incorrect. Srila Prabhupada followed in his Spiritual Master's footsteps and proposed that the focus of worship be on the Sampradaya Acarya.


Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat, Part 89


Jun 25, CANADA (SUN) — By Sri Vrindaban Das Thakur – Antya lila, Chapter Three, Part Seven.

Countless thousands crossed the river on their own, drowning in an ocean of joy. Once on the other side, they embraced each other chanting loudly the Lord's holy name. It was a big day for making money; no one could calculate how much the boatmen earned. Makeshift markets selling a variety of wares suddenly appeared everywhere and did bustling business. Gradually every space was being filled up, and the whole town became an ocean of fluid mass of people. Far above the humdrum of activities was the loud and clear sound of chanting God's name - it was the all-pervasive word that was comprehensible. Yet in spite of this tumult, the Lord remained in seclusion.


Sampradaya Acarya,
Part 6


Jun 25, CANADA (SUN) —

Undermining Srila Prabhupada's Status as Sampradaya Acarya

The Zonal Acarya's "Lilamrita" Influence

During the ISKCON lila period, an elite group of senior disciples enjoyed exclusive access to Srila Prabhupada's direct association. This privileged exposure unfortunately resulted in an overly familiar attitude towards the Sampradaya Acarya. In stark contrast, ISKCON's rank and file membership displayed a mood of awe and reverence in relation to Srila Prabhupada.


Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat, Part 88


Jun 23, CANADA (SUN) — By Sri Vrindaban Das Thakur – Antya lila, Chapter Three, Part Six.

When the people saw Lord Gaurasundara they jumped and danced in great exultation chanting loudly and then fell to the ground like sticks offering obeisances. Getting up like the ocean waves, they raised their arms to the sky and prayed, "O Lord, please save us sinners." The Lord smiled benevolently and blessed them saying, "May you develop love for Lord Krishna. Chant Krishna's name, worship Him and hear about His pastimes. Make Lord Krishna the greatest treasure of your lives."


Sampradaya Acarya,
Part 5


Jun 23, CANADA (SUN) —

Undermining Srila Prabhupada's Status as Sampradaya Acarya

Gaudiya Matha Influence

II. Post-Samadhi Era

Disregarding Srila Prabhupada's directives for his disciples to distance themselves from his Godbrothers influence, the post-samadhi GBC went "across the river" to beg consultation from Swami B.R. Sridhara. Predictably, Sridhara Goswami navigated the good ship ISKCON on the identical disastrous course embarked upon by the original Gaudiya Matha after Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati departed.


Jun 23, CANADA (SUN) — The Sun's weekly cartoon series.


Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat, Part 87


Jun 21, CANADA (SUN) — By Sri Vrindaban Das Thakur – Antya lila, Chapter Three, Part Five.

The Lord liked to perform sankirtana on the ocean shores. He built His residence near the beach, and stayed swimming in the ocean of devotional bliss. The ocean experienced indescribable ecstacy having the Lord's close association, hence Rama, Laksmidevi. was born out of the ocean. Whatever sins the residents of Nilacala may commit become completely cleansed simply by bathing in the ocean. Gangadevi, calculating the value of this golden opportunity, swiftly flowed to merge into the ocean. Sri Krishna Chaitanya's presence blessed the ocean and purified its waters.


Sampradaya Acarya,
Part 4


Jun 21, CANADA (SUN) —

Undermining Srila Prabhupada's Status as Sampradaya Acarya Over the past twenty-five years, many insidiously subtle forces have seriously undermined the conception of Srila Prabhupada as a nitya-siddha, shaktavesa avatara and Sampradaya Acarya. The most serious influences are the spurious preaching against Srila Prabhupada originating from his Gaudiya Matha Godbrothers, the undignified vision of Srila Prabhupada enshrined in the "Lilamrita" by the Zonal Acaryas, and the overall influence of Kali Yuga on neophyte disciples.


Panihati Cida Dadhi Utsava


Jun 21, CANADA (SUN) — Today is the auspicious observance of the Panihati chipped rice festival.

From Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya lila, Chapter 6 : 43-100

In the village of Panihati, Raghunatha dasa obtained an interview with Nityananda Prabhu, who was accompanied by many kirtana performers, servants and others. Sitting on a rock under a tree on the bank of the Ganges, Lord Nityananda seemed as effulgent as hundreds and thousands of rising suns. Many devotees sat on the ground surrounding Him.




Jun 21, CANADA (SUN) — Snana-yatra is observed this year on June 21st.

SNANA-YATRA: a special bath of Lord Jagannatha taking place on the Purnima of Jyestha month (Devasnana Purnima) to commemorate His Appearance day

According to Skanda Purana when Raja Indradyumna installed the wooden Deities, he arranged this bathing ceremony. This day considered to be the birthday of Lord Jagannatha. Held on the full-moon day of the month of Jyestha, this festival is simultaneously held in all important towns of Orissa. In Puri, it attracts thousands of visitors and pilgrims from all over the country.


Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat, Part 86


Jun 19, CANADA (SUN) — By Sri Vrindaban Das Thakur – Antya lila, Chapter Three, Part Four.

A few days later, Lord Gaurachandra, the husband of Laksmidevi, the goddess of fortune, went to live near the ocean. The beach and surrounding area were pleasant and idyllic. This was pleasing to the Lord. The moon had set the night aglow with her soft aura, the southern breeze caressed the Lord as He sat on the seashore. His body and beatific face were exquisitely decorated with sandalwood paste. He was continuously chanting the Hare Krishna mahamantra. The flower garland hanging loosely around His neck covered a large portion of His chest. He was a picture of perfect beauty. The devotees sitting around Him relished His every movement. The waves were like swiftly approaching white lines foaming as they crested one after another. The Lord smiled, looking at the endless swells of churning water. The benedictions Gangadevi and Yamunadevi had already received from the Supreme Lord were now being showered upon the ocean.


108 Divya-deshams:


Jun 29, CANADA (SUN) — A tour of the 108 Divya-desams, the divine abodes of Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi.

Ninra Narayana Perumal Temple or Thiruthangal is a Divya Desham dedicated to the worship of Lord Visnu as Ninra Narayana with His consort Lakshmi as Arunakamala Mahadevi. The temple is located in Thiruthangal (Thiruthankaal), a town on the outskirts of Sivakasi in Tamil Nadu. It is situated on the other side of Karunellinathar Temple, a famous Shiva shrine, and can be reached from that temple on the hillock.


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 373


Jun 29, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book V - Canto XXIII. - The Demons' Threats

Then round the helpless Sítá drew
With fiery eyes the hideous crew,
And thus assailed her, all and each,
With insult, taunt, and threatening speech:
"What! can it be thou prizest not
This happy chance, this glorious lot,
To be the chosen wife of one
So strong and great, Pulastya's son?


Prabhupada Padma-vakya


Jun 29,

Audio files with transcripts recorded on this day.

June 29, 1972, San Diego
Room Conversation
"So whatever you are creating, you are creating by yourself. "Man is the architect of his own fortune." So you are creating your fortune and misfortune, both. Krsna is giving you facilities."

June 29, 1973, Mayapura
Bhagavad-gita 9.10
"So this Krsna consciousness movement is not a sectarian, sentimental movement. It is a very scientific movement, to understand Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So in the western world, they cannot be misled by sentiments."

June 29, 1974, Melbourne
Morning Walk
"He has created these big universes, what service we can give? By His will, He can create millions of universes. What service we can give? We... No. These are the chances of service, this Ratha-yatra."

June 29, 1974, Melbourne
Room Conversation with Bishop Kelly
"Just like the so-called foolish scientists. They don't care for God. They think by so-called scientific advancement they will progress..., all the problems will be solved. That is not possible."

Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.

108 Divya-deshams:


Jun 27, CANADA (SUN) — A tour of the 108 Divya-desams, the divine abodes of Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi.

The Alwarthirunagari Permual Temple, Thirukkurugur, is a Divya Desham dedicated to the worship of Lord Visnu as Adinathar with His consort Athinathanayagi (Lakshmi). Alwar Thirunagari is located in the Thoothukudi district of Tamil Nadu.


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 372


Jun 27, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book V - Canto XXII. - Rávan's Threat

Then anger swelled in Rávaṇ's breast,
Who fiercely thus the dame addressed:
"'Tis ever thus: in vain we sue
To woman, and her favour woo.
A lover's humble words impel
Her wayward spirit to rebel.
The love of thee that fills my soul
Still keeps my anger in control,
As charioteers with bit and rein
The swerving of the steed restrain.


108 Divya-deshams:
Thiruvallavazh, Part 5


Jun 25, CANADA (SUN) — A tour of the 108 Divya-desams, the divine abodes of Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi.

Vilwamangalam and Nammalvar

One early morning, Vilwamangalam Swamiyar visited Sree Vallabha temple at Thiruvallavazh while a dance troupe was performing Kathakali. Swamiyar was astonished for not feeling the presence of the Deity inside. As he reached the outer enclosure, he saw a young brahmin man watching the dance and recognised him as none other than the Lord.


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 371


Jun 25, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book V - Canto XXI. - Sítá's Scorn

She thought upon her lord and sighed,
And thus in gentle tones replied:
"Beseems thee not, O King, to woo
A matron, to her husband true.
Thus vainly one might hope by sin
And evil deeds success to win.
Shall I, so highly born, disgrace
My husband's house, my royal race?


108 Divya-deshams:
Thiruvallavazh, Part 4


Jun 23, CANADA (SUN) — A tour of the 108 Divya-desams, the divine abodes of Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi.

The Envious Brahmins

The area around Mallikavanam, the jasmine forest of Thiruvallavazh, became a human settlement thousands of years ago and emerged as a high-profile spiritual and educational center with enormous wealth and human power. At that time, only brahmin families were in residence, with not less than 3,000. The brahmins of the Sankaramangalath House enjoyed top status among them.


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 370


Jun 23, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book V - Canto XX. - Rávan's Wooing

With amorous look and soft address
The fiend began his suit to press:
"Why wouldst thou, lady lotus-eyed,
From my fond glance those beauties hide?
Mine eager suit no more repel:
But love me, for I love thee well.


108 Divya-deshams:
Thiruvallavazh, Part 3


Jun 21, CANADA (SUN) — A tour of the 108 Divya-desams, the divine abodes of Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi.

Among the great many divine pastimes associated with Thiruvallavazh is Lord Visnu's original appearance as Sree Vallabha. That story unfolds before creation, while Visnu was in deep meditation at the origin of the universe. He appeared to Lord Brahma, who understood the supreme as he could, and continued worshipping Vishnu in the form of a deity created by Vishvakarma from energy concentrated out of the extreme power and vehemence of Vishnu.


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 369


Jun 21, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book V - Canto XIX. - Sítá's Fear

Then o'er the lady's soul and frame
A sudden fear and trembling came,
When, glowing in his youthful pride,
She saw the monarch by her side.
Silent she sat, her eyes depressed,
Her soft arms folded o'er her breast,
And,—all she could,—her beauties screened
From the bold gazes of the fiend.


108 Divya-deshams:
Thiruvallavazh, Part 2


Jun 19, CANADA (SUN) — A tour of the 108 Divya-desams, the divine abodes of Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi.

Built in the silent and picturesque land on the banks of Manimala River, Thiruvallavazh is an icon of Kerala temple architecture. The temple complex of Sree Vallabha Temple covers an area of 8.5 acres and ranks first among the temples of old Travancore state in terms of area inside the compound wall.


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 368


Jun 19, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book V - Canto XVIII. - Rávan

While from his shelter in the boughs
The Vánar looked on Ráma's spouse
He heard the gathered giants raise
The solemn hymn of prayer and praise.—
Priests skilled in rite and ritual, who
The Vedas and their branches knew.
Then, as loud strains of music broke
His sleep, the giant monarch woke.


Sampradaya Acarya,
Part 3


Jun 19, CANADA (SUN) —

Contemporary Sampradaya History

I assume the reader is aware of our Sampradaya "family history", that the advent of the nitya-siddha shaktavesa Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati was in answer to the fervent prayers of his father, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur. The Thakura beseeched Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu to send Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati from the spiritual realm to fulfill his request. Lord Caitanya's proclamation that the Krsna Consciousness Movement become a Worldwide community could only be realized if such a divine personality descended.


Divya Desham: Thiruthangal
Sampradaya Acarya, Part 8
Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat, 91
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 373
Weekend Laffs
Prabhupada Padma-vakya
Divya Desham: Thirukkurugur
Sampradaya Acarya, Part 7
Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat, 90
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 372
Divya Desham: Thiruvallavazh
Sampradaya Acarya, Part 6
Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat, 89
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 371
Divya Desham: Thiruvallavazh
Sampradaya Acarya, Part 5
Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat, 88
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 370
Divya Desham: Thiruvallavazh
Snana Yatra
Panihati Cida Dahi Utsava
Sampradaya Acarya, Part 4
Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat, 87
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 369
Divya Desham: Thiruvallavazh
Sampradaya Acarya, Part 3
Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat, 86
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 368
Divya Desham: Thiruvallavazh
Pandava Nirjala Ekadasi
Ganga Puja
Sampradaya Acarya, Part 2
Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat, 85
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 367
Divya: Thiruvanpurushothamam
Sripada Visvanatha Cakravarti
Sampradaya Acarya
Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat, 84
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 366
Divya: Thirukazhicheerama
What's the Matter?
Following Sampradaya Acarya
Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat, 83
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 365

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